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電腦當機,word來不及存檔,可以使用自動回復檔案。 1.首先,在重開機之後,直接開啟你的word軟體,應該會出現要你回復上次檔案的訊息,直接回復到上次檔案即可。 2.如果沒有,請在word裡,找到工具列的工具→選項→檔案位置,察看自動回復檔案的位置,它的位置每台主機不同而有所不同,有點像是 C:\Documents and Settings\帳號名稱\Application Data\Microsoft\Word (請見附圖)。...

Movable Type 3.2 is coming

Movable Type 3.2 即將公佈。 Our 32 Favorite Features in Movable Type 3.2: 1. System Overview: A home for administrators 2. Feedback rating framework 3. The Junk Folder 4. TrackBack moderation and editing 5. Blog feedback settings 6. More to come…...


作業系統M$XP在開機的時候,無法進入系統,出現\windows\system32\config\system檔案遺失或損毀,要我們放入XP光碟,選擇R修復……. 如果有上述的情形發生,這時候就需要XP的光碟片,來進行修復的作業。 1.將XP光碟片放入光碟機中重新開機。 2.記的調整PC由光碟機開機。 3.當畫面出現問你要安裝作業系統或是修復時,選擇修復(R)。 4.過了一下子,當畫面出現問你要登入修復那個系統時。畫面文字如下所示: 1: C:\WINDOWS你想要登入哪一個WINDOWS安裝...

WordPress Available

引述官版的消息如下: We would like to announce that WordPress is now released as we continue the availablity of a highly stable and extremely popular branch based on the 1.5 Strayhorn codebase. Development has moved on to some exciting new features for the next major...

Movable Type 3.17 released

Version 3.17 is not a required upgrade if your Movable Type installation is not affected by these issues. Changes in this release include: Installation at the root of a domain no longer continually logs out the user....

WordPress升級到 WordPress

May 27, 2005 Security Update It has come to our attention that under certain circumstances there is a security vulnerability in WordPress that may be triggered if you’re running the default template. We were able to respond very quickly (under 40 minutes) and update...