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WordPress 1.5.1 升級到 WordPress

Update: In our effort to optimize we made two mistakes in 1.5.1, one related to feeds and one related to trackbacks and pingbacks. We’ve updated the download with which corrects these bugs and a few others. 引言迴響bugs修正。

WordPress 1.5 升級到 WordPress 1.51

WordPress 的升級程序很簡單,大致上跟之前1.22版升級到1.5版相同。 1.備份blog資料夾所有的檔案。 2.備份資料庫。 如果是採用虛擬主機所提供的空間的話,可以利用Cpanel裡,phpmyadmin將資料庫備份下來,資料庫備份的相關文章可以參考這篇備份你的blog資料。...

WordPress 1.5.1

May 9, 2005 WordPress 1.5.1 release。 Some of the highlights are: * Login and feed fixes for IIS * Faster gettext i18n * Improved i18n string coverage * Extended ping support * Paging on the Manage –> Posts page...


在網頁的建置上,常常因為瀏覽器的不同,而呈現了不一樣的畫面結果。 底下一個簡單的語法,可以針對 MS IE 這個瀏覽器使用,引用不一樣的stylesheet來呈現不一樣的網頁效果。 <!–[if IE]> <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”all-ie.css” />...

Movable Type 3.16 released

MovableType 3.16 版發佈。 Here are some of the highlights of Movable Type 3.16: * Fixed email notifications for entries and moderated comments which were broken for some users in the last release * Fixed several bugs affecting customers running Movable Type on Windows...